Alan’s Story

As stated on the About page, I was very physically fit, excellent blood analysis, healthy foods, dietary supplements, easily passing stress tests, regular medical checkups, and yet I (nor my doctors) had any idea how stress was negatively affecting my health.
A wide variety of symptoms, manifestations, and Type II diabetes (resulting from stress) didn’t slow me down. However, the stress-induced heart attack finally got my undivided attention!
Obviously, in complete hindsight, my healthy lifestyle wasn’t so healthy after all. This is “why” this website exists.
I was an “internal” Type A with an “external” Type B laidback persona, an entrepreneur, workaholic, and extremely proactive about my health.
However, my stress symptoms/manifestations, as I recall, included:
- Anxiety – this is so common.
- Insomnia – too wound up to sleep – could work 24-48 hours without sleep – no drugs!
- Esophagus cramp – one of the muscles that move food to the stomach remained contracted – felt like a popcorn kernel husk stuck in my throat – first thought – cancer; however, alprazolam relaxed the muscle. ENT doctors said stress usually does this.
- Panic attack – unless you’ve experienced this phenomena, you have no idea the severity of pain and fear – no matter how “macho” you think you are!
- Heart palpitations – in my case, no stimulants whatsoever — just way too much adrenaline!
- Prostate biopsy – due to abnormal PSA and free PSA to check for prostate cancer – fortunately, results were negative. MD said stress could cause abnormal readings.
- “False” dental abscess – this is an interesting stress-induced phenomenon explained to me by my dentist. Unbelievably, the pain and sensitivity is exactly the same as a real abscess!
- Type II diabetes – I was way too ignorant to see this horrible stress-induced metabolic disorder coming!
- Heart attack! – this was the epitome of my former level of arrogance coupled with ignorance that, without doubt, could have been avoided!
I am certain throughout the years there were many more manifestations due to stress. However, this short list (common too many people) simply reveals how stress, left unrecognized and unchecked, may result in minor or major manifestations. So, when I continually refer to stress or health on this website, please realize I speak from a lifetime of experience.
My Holistic Journey
My journey in the holistic field simply revealed I did not fulfill my personal responsibility for my health. I left it up to the experts without truly understanding their paradigm and the holistic or alternative/complementary paradigm.
Being an extremely technical person with exceptional reading skills, I devoured hundreds of books about nutrition and countless scientific articles. Books and articles initially pertaining to nutrition and then branched into numerous different sciences (e,g,. cardiology, neuroscience, energy medicine, etc.) that revealed what every nutrient did (that they currently know) in that particular science.
During this time, I (and my wife Carol) embarked on numerous adventures to experience many different holistic (CAM’s) modalities such as acupuncture, IV chelation therapy, reiki, crystal therapy, meditation, breathing exercises, energetic and vibrational medicine, biofeedback, hypnosis, consciousness research, spiritual counseling, and many others. We were fortunate to meet and be mentored by many exceptional professionals.
Even medical professionals such as cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatston, M.D. (South Beach Diet fame) and his associates promoted the Electron Beam Tomography (EBT) scan. The EBT scan is a screening method used to detect coronary artery disease (plague buildup) and other diseases. EBT scans for this purpose are given a score on the “Agatston Scale” to gauge the severity of the disease.
This ever so simple and inexpensive out-of-pocket scan provided up to a ten-year window prior to a heart attack! Amazingly, I had seen the TV commercials and, silly me, didn’t pay any attention to this inexpensive test until AFTER my heart attack. This test is now referred to as a Coronary Artery Calcification (CAC) test.
Like most people, we begin the “health searches” AFTER the health problem manifests. Unfortunately, this epitomizes the old cliché about closing the barn door after the horses got out.
However, the whole point of this website is to share some of the information, experiences, and tools I have gained in the Alternative and Complementary Medicines (CAM’s) that do have merit. Most of which remain under the all-encompassing “holistic” umbrella because they are not “institutionally” accepted. Why? You already know!
Invest some time and enjoy the site!
In Wellness,
I enjoy hearing about all the different holistic modalities our clients have explored and experienced during our consultations. Each of us possess something of value to share with each other!
In the event you may be wondering, yes, I still use conventional (allopathic) medicine and I will emphatically recommend its continued use too every client! As a Holistic Health Practitioner, I take full responsibility for my health. Therefore, I know it is not wise to turn away from conventional medicine and rely solely on alternative medicine. However, I know it is wise to understand the paradigms between conventional medicine and Complimentary and Alternative Medicines!
“Knowledge is Intellect – Wisdom is Experience!”
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The content and laboratory services provided on this site are for educational and informational purposes only and not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure disease.