Why should I choose Trace Nutrients® dietary supplements?
If you currently consume dietary supplements, we realize you probably use the brand of which you are most familiar. However, allow us to point out some of the most important information about Trace Nutrients® dietary supplements for your consideration.
Trace Nutrients® are of the highest quality that includes the purest ingredients and manufactured by the worlds most recognized manufacturers.
VitaQuest International manufactures Trace Nutrients®. They also include amino acid chelates manufactured by Albion Laboratories Inc. Unequivocally, these companies provide among the most superior ingredients for our products.
VitaQuest International LLC, is a leading worldwide custom supplement manufacturer. VitaQuest supplements are:
- NSF GMP Certification
- NSF Cook & Thurber Food Safety and Compliance Certification
- Canadian NHPD (certified to produce products for Canadian distribution)
- Kosher product approval (all major certifying bodies)
- Halal product approval (IFANCA)
- Organic product approval (Quality Assurance International)
- Organic certification (QAI)
Albion® Minerals amino acid chelates. What makes Albion’s human grade chelates different? Backed by sound science and over 100 patents from manufacturing processes to food applications, Albion® is your trusted source for safe, proven, effective, organic minerals. Albion® glycinate chelates are produced in a facility that is:
- ISO 9001:2008 certified
- cGMP certified
- Kosher
- Halal
Albion® glycinate chelates are:
- CAS registered
- Hypoallergenic
- Vegetarian friendly
- Nutritionally functional
- Of ultimate glycine: mineral molar ratio
- BSE free
- Non GMO
- Pharmaceutically pure
- Chemically validated (FTIR finger printed)
- Clinically researched
So, what sets Trace Nutrients® dietary supplements apart from the rest?
Obviously, many of the highest quality supplements employ the manufacturing services of VitaQest International and many include ingredients from Albion. As such, the simple answer to what sets Trace Nutrients® dietary supplements apart is:
It is not the manufacturer nor the ingredients – it is the formulations!
Dr. David L. Watts, Founder and Director of Research of Trace Elements Inc., is one of today’s most knowledgeable individuals in the complex science of nutrient interrelationships. These complex interrelationships are revealed in scientific articles and journals worldwide and are one of the most important mechanisms in nutrition. Dr. Watts has published several articles as well.
However, by recognizing, understanding, and applying the intimate relationships between nutrients, Dr. Watts develops and formulates each supplement with this understanding. This results in specific formulas of nutrients that include important cofactors (minerals, vitamins, amino acids, etc.) that make each nutrient work both on an absorption level as well as on a cellular level. Equally important, cofactors must be in the proper amounts. Excesses or deficiencies of cofactors may easily interfere with the intended nutrient absorption and/or cellular utilization.
Cofactors simply refer to a group of nutrients (minerals, vitamins, and amino acids) that are known to work together (i.e., the mineral calcium and its “cofactor” vitamin D).
In addition, because Trace Nutrients® is a specific line of nutritional supplements, each individual supplement is designed to work synergistically when used in specific combinations with additional supplements in the Trace Nutrients® line.
In the end, if you choose to use Trace Nutrients® dietary supplements, you know you are investing in the highest quality supplements specifically formulated to rebalance your biochemistry!
“Our sincere desire in the field of nutritional research is to provide a better understanding of the relationships between vitamins and minerals, how these nutrients can affect one’s health and how specific recommendations of vitamins and minerals can enhance and help individuals achieve optimum levels of health.”
Dr. David L. Watts, Healthscope, Issue #9, June-July, 1983
Dr. Watts is the Founder and current Director of Research at Trace Elements Inc.
Order your Trace Nutrients Dietary Supplements
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.