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What does it mean to detox the body?
This is an important question because, to properly detox the body, you should consider chemical toxins, toxic elements, as well as metabolic toxins.
Note: Just so you know, detoxification is actually considered an Alternative Medicine practice!
The complexity of Detoxification.
Your detox systems are as complex as every other system (i.e., immune systems, digestive system, neuroendocrine systems, etc.) throughout your mind and body. As just mentioned, you are constantly exposed to and detoxing myriad toxic elements, chemical toxins, and metabolic toxins simultaneously.
The kidneys and liver are well-known organs for detox. The hair, skin, urine, feces, and even breathing are excretory routes for toxins. Detoxing the body includes oxygen radicals, ammonia clearance, Phase I & II biotransformation, sulfoxidation, sulfation, glycine conjugation, hepatic (liver) Phase I & II, and on and on.
Today, we have numerous laboratory analyses that help reveal the presence of toxic elements and metabolic toxins. Unfortunately, with over 80,000 manmade chemicals, we are technologically limited to reveal the vast majority of chemical toxins (or mixtures of chemicals). In addition, there is a tremendous lack of information concerning the safety, health effects, or detoxification processes of many of these chemicals.
Which detox program is the most efficient?
There are numerous programs and products currently available to detox the body. Common products for toxic elements include cilantro, activated silica, grapefruit citrus pectin, iodine, selenium, vitamin C, horsetail silica, diatomaceous earth, coconut oil, Malic acid (homemade apple juice), activated charcoal, and many others. Frankly, many of these may prove quite helpful.
However, the most efficient means to detox the body is a two part system that includes;
- Eliminate the source of the toxin or toxins! This is an absolute necessity.
- The most efficient means for continual and long-term detoxification is a personalized nutritional program.
The primary objective of personalized nutrition is to reestablish a dynamic balance between all essential nutrients that include minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. All essential nutrients and many derivatives (or metabolites) are ultimately required by means of nutrient interrelationships to efficiently reduce or eliminate many toxins from entering the body through the digestive tract by means of competition for absorption (nutrient transport) into the bloodstream.
Secondly, all organs involved in the detox process become properly nourished for maximum efficiency to detox the body. In addition, high demands are constantly placed on myriad nutrients to convert many toxins to a nontoxic state and many additional nutrients to either recycle or remove the toxin from the body. All toxins, including your natural occurring metabolic toxins, toxic elements, and (hopefully) many chemical toxins.
Equally important, a properly nourished body reduces your risk for health problems due to toxic accumulation (bioaccumulation) and the potential for brain/body damage.
Keep in mind, every second of the day and night, your body is in a constant state of detox that requires myriad nutrients to convert and remove toxins from the body. In the end, due to the increased demands for all nutrients required for detox, only a properly nourished body is capable too efficiently detox the body.
Combining multiple detox programs at the same time.
It is normal to want to include a variety of detox programs at the same time. Obviously, you want to detox the body as quickly as possible. However, there is a downside to combining multiple detox programs.
What is the downside?
- Detox overload
- Detox interference
Let’s investigate these.
Detox overload
An efficient detox program, such as personalized nutrition, eventually begins to remove myriad toxins deeply stored in the tissues throughout the mind and body resulting from toxic accumulation. Keep in mind; you will have a certain degree of toxic accumulation unless you have maintained a dynamic balance of all essential nutrients for several years.
However, once you begin to mobilize toxic elements from the tissues, the toxins are released back into the blood stream. Think of this as a “round two” resulting from these same toxins. The difference in round two is instead of the small (microscopic) daily exposures; your body will potentially release a greater concentration of myriad toxins (includes metabolic and chemical toxins) simultaneously that may easily result in higher levels of discomfort.
Normally, the innate wisdom of the body is too not harm itself by releasing too many toxins at once. However, an efficient detox program (i.e., personalized nutrition) may on occasion create a certain amount of discomfort due to increasing your detox efficiency.
Detox interference
Many detox programs promote specific foods (or juices) as the most powerful foods for detoxification. Unfortunately, without performing a nutritional laboratory analyses to reveal your current nutritional status, these foods could further increase nutrients that are currently excessive and not increase nutrients that are currently deficient. This could hinder or even negate your detox goals.
However, while detoxing the body we may recommend:
- Distilled water – if your analysis reveals toxic elements above the reference range and you choose to follow our complete program (food and supplement recommendations), we may recommend you consume distilled water on occasion. Albeit not scientifically proven, it is believed that distilled water (due to purity) may help attach many toxins for removal. Most importantly, stay hydrated with good quality natural water!
- Sweat – your skin is “leaky” which simply means it absorbs (as seen in epidermal patches) and excretes substances. We recommend Far Infrared (FIR) saunas as a good choice and if possible, use one 3 to 5 days a week. Disregard all the “health claims” because we just want you to sweat!
How can hair analysis help you detox the body?
Hair analysis is an excellent tool to help detox the body. Here’s how it helps:
- A hair analysis is a direct measurement of essential nutritional minerals. These minerals are required throughout the detox processes.
- A hair analysis is a direct measurement of toxic elements. As you know, toxic elements are antagonistic toward essential nutrients and may contribute toward many health problems.
- Specific foods are recommended to improve nutrient deficiencies as well as reduce nutrient excesses. Wholesome foods recommended are nutrient dense and more importantly, specific to your current nutrient needs.
- Specific supplements are recommended that reinforce food recommendations. Our laboratory supplements are synergistically formulated, use a wide variety of nutrients, and are specific to your current nutrient needs.
- Quantify your nutritional/detox program by observing the rise and fall of various toxic elements on subsequent analyses as they become released for elimination by your nutritional improvements.
Keep in mind, a hair analysis only reveals toxic elements but that all toxins (metabolic and chemical) require the same essential nutrients (and their derivatives) to detox the body. A hair analysis is one of the most cost-effective nutritional/toxic laboratory analyses that can assist you in your detox goals as well as your nutritional goals.
Are you ready to ramp up your detox program?
Order your Trace Elements Inc. Profile 2 Hair Analysis.
Additional pages that may interest you:
- Toxic Element Safety Guidelines: Find out what they don’t include!
- Chemical toxins: They are more prevalent than toxic elements.
- Nutritional Toxins: What are they?
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The content and laboratory services provided on this site are for educational and informational purposes only and not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure disease.
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