Table of Contents
Metabolic Synchronization: Your metabolism is not just fast or slow!
Metabolic synchronization simply denotes that your metabolism may not be simply fast or slow. Your metabolism may also be out of sync.

What does this mean?
First, in an effort to simplify this subject, you need to consider two major controlling factors for your metabolism known as the neuroendocrine (neuro = nervous – endocrine = glandular) systems. They are:
- Your sympathetic neuroendocrine system
- Your parasympathetic neuroendocrine system
Let’s briefly explore this further.
Sympathetic neuroendocrine system
To explain, you have a fast nervous system (sympathetic) that controls specific endocrine glands. These glands produce a variety of specific hormones that result in myriad actions and effects throughout the mind and body that actually speed up your metabolism. This is your sympathetic neuroendocrine system that is considered a fast metabolism.
Parasympathetic neuroendocrine system
On the other hand, you have a slow nervous system (parasympathetic) that controls specific endocrine glands. These glands also produce a variety of specific hormones that result in myriad actions and effects throughout the mind and body that actually slow down your metabolism. This is your parasympathetic neuroendocrine system that is considered a slow metabolism.
Both neuroendocrine systems influence your nutritional status and your nutritional status influences both systems.
As you may surmise, both of these systems must be in a dynamic balance in order to achieve your optimal metabolism.
Understanding Metabolic synchronization
Albeit every hormone produced by the endocrine glands has myriad effects throughout the mind and body, one of the primary reasons this is important is that endocrine glands also have an enormous influence on your nutrient levels (biochemistry)!
For example, your slow nervous system may dominate but your adrenals are overactive (typically when in a stress response). This reveals a metabolic synchronization problem. In reality, your overactive adrenals should be under the control of the fast nervous system (fast system dominance).
The effects produced by the overactive adrenals have numerous ramifications on your biochemistry. First, your adrenal glands, more specifically the adrenal cortex (outer) produce glucocorticoids (glucose regulation and long-term stress), mineralocorticoids (Na/K regulation), cortisol, and androgens.
As you have just seen, your sodium and potassium levels in your body are regulated (or controlled) by the adrenals. The resulting biochemistry effects are enormous. As seen in nutrient interrelationships, every nutrient has many direct interrelationships and even more indirect interrelationships.
An adrenal response, normally due to a physical or psychological stressor, engages the sympathetic neuroendocrine response that now causes sodium and potassium to rise or become excessive. Sodium, as well as potassium, each have interrelationships with at least 15, 20, or more other “essential nutrients” and with one or both being in excess, now become antagonistic to 15 or 20 other essential nutrients each (if both are excessive, now 30 to 40).
As you can surmise at this point, the adrenal response has a tremendous effect on your complete biochemistry that includes minerals, vitamins, amino acids, as well as fatty acids.
Equally important, the longer the adrenal response continues, the greater the potential to create additional deficiencies due to the continuous excessive demands involved in each stage of stress.
The hormones produced by the adrenal response (adrenaline, cortisol, glucocorticoids, etc.) also produce myriad ramifications that can further influence your biochemistry that contribute toward further nutrient excesses and deficiencies. This also contributes toward nutrient transport problems as well.
How is my metabolic synchronization revealed on our HTMA?
Dr. Watts established eight metabolic sub-types for the Trace Elements Inc. hair analyses that help determine your metabolism and more importantly, your metabolic synchronization. Keep in mind; individual mineral levels, significant mineral ratios, and toxic elements help derive these sub-types.
The following sub-types that include Slow 1, 2, 3, 4, and Fast 1, 2, 3, 4 are very helpful for determining neurological and endocrine imbalances – metabolic synchronization.
Sub-types for a slow metabolism (para-sympathetic neuroendocrine system dominance) include:
- Slow 1 – indicates a slow nervous system dominance with slow thyroid and adrenal production (synchronized)
- Slow 2 – indicates a slow nervous system dominance with adrenal dominance (sodium dominance)
- Slow 3 – indicates a slow nervous system dominance with thyroid dominance (potassium dominance)
- Slow 4 – indicates a slow nervous system dominance with thyroid and adrenal dominance
Sub-types for a fast metabolism (sympathetic neuroendocrine system dominance) include:
- Fast 1 – indicates a fast nervous system dominance with fast thyroid and adrenal dominance (synchronized)
- Fast 2 – indicates a fast nervous system dominance with adrenal dominance and low thyroid
- Fast 3 – indicates a fast nervous system dominance with thyroid dominance and adrenal insufficiency
- Fast 4 – indicates a fast nervous system dominance with slow thyroid and adrenal dominance.
Which metabolic sub-type is best?
A typical question during a consultation is which metabolic type or sub-type is best.
The Slow 1 or Fast 1 sub-type is actually best.
Best is a bit misleading in this context. The number 1 in each sub-type denotes the nervous and endocrine glands are metabolically synchronized. Although both sub-type 1’s reveal metabolic synchronization, the “best” sub-type is the Slow 1.
However, as revealed by the complete nutritional/toxic element pattern, a Slow 1 may be too slow and a Fast 1 may be too fast.
In every instance, it is a matter of increasing or decreasing specific nutrients to achieve a synchronized and more dynamically balanced metabolism. This is accomplished primarily through specific foods and secondarily through a specific dietary supplement program that augments the foods.
Understanding your true metabolism is important and confirms the need too accurately test your metabolism. As you can see, each sub-type would require a slightly different nutritional approach to either shift your metabolism or synchronize your metabolism.
As a final point, each metabolic type carries its own potential metabolic trends that may or may not increase one’s potential for a variety of symptoms or manifestations.
Note: Over 80% of our analyses results reveal most people are slow metabolic types and range in all 4 sub-types.
Are you ready to check your metabolic synchronization?
Our hair analysis is an excellent tool for a metabolic test to reveal metabolic synchronization as well as mineral excesses and deficiencies. Toxic Elements are also revealed that effects your metabolism as well.
Order your Trace Elements Inc. Profile 2 hair analysis.
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UTILIZATION OF HTMA FOR METABOLIC TYPING. Trace Elements Inc. Newsletter, Volume 3 Sept/October 1989, Number 4
Circadian rhythmicity is a defining feature of mammalian metabolism that synchronizes metabolic processes to day-night light cycles.
Kuang Z, Wang Y, Li Y, Ye C, Ruhn KA, Behrendt CL, Olson EN, Hooper LV. The intestinal microbiota programs diurnal rhythms in host metabolism through histone deacetylase 3. Science. 2019 Sep 27;365(6460):1428-1434. doi: 10.1126/science.aaw3134. PMID: 31604271; PMCID: PMC7158748.
Several studies have demonstrated that the circadian rhythm of peripheral clocks, and behavioural and metabolic mediators are re-synchronized in rodents fed under metabolic challenges, such as hyper- or hypocaloric diets and subjected to time-restricted feeding protocols.
García-Gaytán AC, Miranda-Anaya M, Turrubiate I, López-De Portugal L, Bocanegra-Botello GN, López-Islas A, Díaz-Muñoz M, Méndez I. Synchronization of the circadian clock by time-restricted feeding with progressive increasing calorie intake. Resemblances and differences regarding a sustained hypocaloric restriction. Sci Rep. 2020 Jun 22;10(1):10036. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-66538-0. PMID: 32572063; PMCID: PMC7308331.
Syntrophic metabolism requires reverse electron transfer, close physical contact, and metabolic synchronization of the syntrophic partners.
McInerney MJ, Sieber JR, Gunsalus RP. Syntrophy in anaerobic global carbon cycles. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2009 Dec;20(6):623-32. doi: 10.1016/j.copbio.2009.10.001. Epub 2009 Nov 10. PMID: 19897353; PMCID: PMC2790021.
Jon E. Levine, Chapter 1 – An Introduction to Neuroendocrine Systems, Editor(s): George Fink, Donald W. Pfaff, Jon E. Levine, Handbook of Neuroendocrinology, Academic Press, 2012, Pages 3-19, ISBN 9780123750976,
Abstract: Publisher Summary
This chapter introduces the science of neuroendocrinology, offering general descriptions of neuroendocrine systems. Neuroendocrinology is a relatively new science that emerged in the mid-20th century as a branch of endocrinology, propelled in part by the realization that the brain produces neurohormones and thereby functions as an endocrine organ. Homeostatic regulation in physiological systems can be described in terms of control systems analysis, using basic terms and concepts borrowed from engineers. Neuroendocrine homeostatic systems can involve the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, and an end-organ or target tissues functioning together as an axis. Secretions of GH and PRL are predominantly under the control of two-tier systems in which short-loop feedback functions are the major regulatory mechanism. The reduced importance of long-loop feedback control in these systems is probably a function of the distributed targets of GH and PRL actions. A fundamental property that is specific to many neuroendocrine cell groups is the propensity to release neurohormone in synchrony and at regular intervals.