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You are exposed to chemical toxins every day!
Chemical toxins are commonly referred to as xenobiotics (ze-nō-bī-ˈä-tiks). Xenobiotics are chemical compounds foreign to or not produced by a given biologic system.
Xenobiotics include drugs, drug metabolites, environmental compounds, synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, food additives, flavorings, coloring, stabilizers, personal products, and all industrial pollutants not found in nature.
Unfortunately, there is a constant annual increase in production of many of the current chemicals and additional chemicals are developed annually as well. Also very unfortunate is the fact we do not know what the potential health ramifications may be for humans as well as throughout the environment.
Existing biomonitoring research mainly relies on targeted analytical chemistry methods, which measure only those chemicals selected a priori for analysis. Only a few hundred chemicals are routinely measured in humans through targeted methods, which are resource and time intensive to develop, whereas the potential number of chemicals to which we are exposed is much higher, as 8,000 chemicals in commerce are manufactured or imported in greater than 25,000 lbs per year>25,000 lbs/year (U.S. EPA 2016a).
Aolin Wang, Roy R. Gerona, Jackie M. Schwartz, Thomas Lin, Marina Sirota, Rachel Morello-Frosch, and Tracey J. Woodruff, 2018, A Suspect Screening Method for Characterizing Multiple Chemical Exposures among a Demographically Diverse Population of Pregnant Women in San Francisco, Environmental Health Perspectives 126:7 CID: 077009
However, the three most important questions become:
- How many chemical toxins surround me?
- What are chemical toxins doing to me?
- How do I get rid of chemical toxins?
Fortunately, with a little conscious effort, you can take several steps to reduce your exposures and detox the body to rid itself of these unhealthy chemicals.
How many chemical toxins surround you?
Today, we have over 80,000 manmade chemicals with approximately 3,000 commonly in use. Thousands of these chemicals (and toxic elements) are used in every aspect of our lives and are now present in our air, water, and food. There is simply no way to avoid chemical exposures. In an effort to find out how many chemical toxins surround you; you need to spend some time investigating every product you use or are present in your everyday life.
- Food choices – most fast food, processed foods, and junk foods are unhealthy because most are latent with chemicals. Keep clear of the central isles in a supermarket and consume as many organic products as possible.
- Personal products – are mostly a combination of numerous chemicals. Try to use natural and organic personal products. Remember, the skin easily absorbs 1,000 milligrams of whatever we place on it. Also, be vigilant when using any OTC medication or product – these contain chemicals and heavy metals as well.
- Household products – most of these are chemically based. Here again, look for a natural product that will easily do the job without all the toxic chemicals.
- External environment – our environment is a constant source of toxins. Metro areas, where you can actually see the pollutants in the air, are obviously not healthy. Eliminate your exposure to pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and all commonly used chemicals. Chemicals are convenient but not healthy.
Don’t be fooled by thinking “if it isn’t safe, they can’t sell it”! The bottom line is to go as “green” and organic as possible in all aspects of your life.
What are chemical toxins doing to you?
This is a difficult question because, even if we limit our potential exposures to the commonly used 3,000 chemicals (of the 80,000), if we mix a variety of foods that contain different chemicals, and then apply heat for cooking, the resultant chemical reaction may have breached the Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) rating from the FDA. As such, it is almost impossible to “know” how they are affecting your health. See Beyond Symptoms
In addition, a single chemical is rarely used alone. Most consumer products are a combination of myriad chemicals that may ultimately change the chemical properties and characteristics. This leads to even more difficulty in understanding or recognizing the potential for chemical sensitivities or resulting health problems.
For example, our foods contain artificial coloring, artificial flavorings, preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilizers, and on and on. What are the health effects when all of these are combined?
How do I get rid of chemical toxins?
First, it is important to reduce your chemical exposures as previously described. Once reduced, the primary defense against all toxins (heavy metals, chemicals or metabolic) is through optimal nutrition. Optimal nutrition begins by consuming the right healthy foods based on your specific nutrient needs that are also required throughout all detoxification processes.
Your glands and organs require all essential nutrients, and some glands and organs require an additional amount of nutrients to reduce the harmful effects of toxins. Additional amounts of certain essential nutrients may also be required to eliminate absorptive or cellular competition.
Nutrients also act as a vehicle for elimination. As the toxin is broken down into a less toxic form, they attach to many nutrients for elimination through urine, feces, skin, or hair.
How can hair analysis help reduce chemical toxins?
There are many stand-alone screenings for several chemical toxins such as BPA, organophosphates, herbicides, pesticides, and many others. Be aware, as revealed in the above reference, little biomonitoring data exists on the majority of chemicals used in commerce.
Our hair analysis is an elemental (nutritional minerals and toxic elements) analysis and does not reveal specific chemical toxins, drugs, hormones, or other analytes that may be stored in the hair. However, our hair analysis can provide a roadmap toward optimal nutrition that can address nutritional imbalances that may be the result of chemical toxins or may help detox chemical toxins.
Many of the elements analyzed are essential for nutrient transport required to deliver nutrients that are important for all detox purposes.
In reality, with so many existing chemicals and such little information, the best course of action would be too properly nourish the mind and body. A properly nourished body increases the efficiency of all detox processes.
Our healthy food recommendations provide many specific nutrients you need and do not increase nutrient you don’t need.
Our supplement recommendations are formulated, based on nutrient interrelationships, that include minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and fatty acids that assist your food recommendations required for health as well as detoxification.
Are you ready to reduce your chemical toxin load?
Click here to order your Hair Analysis today!
Additional pages that may interest you:
- Toxins: You are under siege by myriad toxins!
- Toxic Element Safety Guidelines: Find out what they don’t include!
- Toxic Element Accumulation: Bioaccumulation is the hidden danger of toxic elements.
- Metabolic Toxins: The naturally occurring byproducts required for life that can hurt you.
- Nutritional Toxins: What are they?
- Detox the Body: What is the most efficient means for detoxification?
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